Saturday, May 19, 2012

Marriage Counseling - Managing Affairs

By Chris John

If you have taken note of recently married couples, you would see that they always pay themselves lot's of attention. You would generally see a lot of hugging, touching, holding, smiling and incessant display of attention. Many times, this open show of affection reduces with time. The older couples who are still in love, simply relate more like friends. They would certainly not be seen relating like they were years back.

It is usually really shocking when you find a couple that only some years back were all loving and touchy, now barely stomaching the sight of each other. Did the union change? If not the relationship, did the people themselves change?

When folks come for marriage counseling, you would usually hear stuff like "she is not the same person I married" or "he's changed from the loving man I married" and so on. Is there anyway this can be true?

From my studies, I can say that people actually don't change. You simply didn't get to know the real person. This usually occurs when rather than see what's before you, you see what you choose to see. When you get married, you're forced to face the real thing and not what you think. When reality sets in, you could begin to think you might have made a blunder. You could have made a mistake and you also may not have.

Searching for the perfect person is a classic mistake that people make. No one person can have all the qualities you want in a partner. When you expect perfection, all you can expect is heartaches. If you appreciate that you're imperfect, you won't expect perfection from others.

What do you do when you discover some things about your spouse you don't like? This is a very critical matter. Some folks simply run from this question and choose to go looking for what they presume they have missed. This results in extra marital affairs. One thing that generally happens is that people find themselves wishing they had some of the traits of the old person in the new person.

The first thing you require to build a successful marriage is to accept first that you are not perfect. Being imperfect yourself, you would be better prepared to understand the imperfections in your spouse. It's your decision to be happy with your spouse regardless of the imperfections that would see you through. Your extra marital affair isn't a answer. One thing affairs can do is make your imperfection very clear.

Decide to make up for your partner's imperfections. This is a choice you should make for the success of your marriage. If you feel you can no longer handle the challenge, then go for marriage counseling.

Holding unto your marriage, you would discover after a while that those things would no longer bother you like before. There are people who got divorced many years back who now look back and see their reason for the divorce as minor.

Making your marriage succeed demands that you determine to work at it.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Save Your Marriage And Avoid Divorce

The effects on a family because of a divorce is far more than what many people can imagine, especially when children are involved. When you decided to get married you saw this person as the perfect match for you.

You made a commitment to each other to stay together for the rest of your lives. It is a fact of life that couples go through hard times in their marriage. But before you make a decision to get a divorce, you owe it to each other to try to save your marriage first and do whatever it takes to give it your best shot.

Most of the couples who end up getting a divorce have tendencies to look at their problems in the past, it is like driving a car trying to go forward but starring at reverse mirror. They relive and bring up all the mistakes their partners have mave in the past, they live in a place of resentment and an unwillingness to forgive.

In order to avoid a divorce a couple must focus on the present and embrace a commitment to move forward. Truly forgiving someone means forgetting about what it is that they have done to hurt you.

Forgiving doesn't mean loosing, being a weaker person or that your feelings did not matter. Forgiving means that you as a person have achieve a higher state of mind.

Forgiving someone means that you are stronger for being able to stand the hurt that they have caused you and that you can allow the natural love that resides in everyone's heart to guide your decisions. Rather then putting all the blame on your spouse, focus on making things right.

If you truly want to avoid divorce and save your marriage you should be realistic about your expectaions on your relationship. When two people first get married, each one comes into the marriage expecting it to be a certain way.

Most of the time expectations are very different and can bring up conflicts later on in the marriage. Ladies, if you are engaged to someone who loves to watch football on a Sunday afternoon but you think that your Sunday afternoon should be filled with shopping, do not expect that once you get married your spouse will suddenly put their foam fingers aside to spend an entire Sunday shopping with you.

While it would be a nice gesture for them to voluntarily go shopping with you instead of watching the big game, do not expect that on a weekly basis. It doesn't matter how much we'll try, we would not be able to change our spouses.

If they were a neat freak before you got married, they are going to be a neat freak throughout your lives together. Learn how to keep realistic expectations of how you would like the marriage to be in order to prevent yourselves from disappointing each other.

Married couples who are able to learn forgiveness and let go of unrealistic expectations can help improve their relationship. It is never too late to patch things up and restore the relationship that you both have devoted your lives to.

Before final decisions are made to go through with a divorce, make a commitment to try to save your marriage -- and make it a happy one.
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